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An Overview of Teen Mental Health in the US

ZiQing Kuang

Updated: Sep 18, 2022

Mental health disorders, such as anxiety disorders and mood disorders, are something that a lot of teenagers across the US face today. It connects to disturbances in thinking perception and behavior and maladaptive personal characteristics, and all these traits link back to mental health. According to multiple studies, youth mental health is worsening with 9.7% of youth in the US suffering from severe major depression. There is an increased need for mental health treatment among youth and adults, and rates of anxiety and depression in teenagers are skyrocketing by the year. In terms of races and ethnicities, Black or African American citizens have had the highest percent change for anxiety and depression. Over 50% of teenagers that are a part of the LGBTQ+ community have had thoughts of suicide or self-harm.

These statistics leave a lot of people questioning the well-being and the mental health of their family members and the friends around them. Anxiety and depression can happen to anyone. So what is our government doing to combat this rise in suicidal tendencies and how are they going to provide funding for mental health services?

According to Mental Health America, major acts of legislation like Addiction Equity Act and the Mental Health Parity have been implemented. These protections work to protect individuals who have mental health disorders, and federal funding has also been contributing to research regarding treatments and recovery from mental health.

A lot of anxiety disorders have also been traced back to social media. Many platforms on social media put a large number of consumers at an increased risk of feeling anxious or depressed. This is what Dr. Jacqueline Sperling, a psychologist at McLean hospital, had to say about the relationship between social media and mental health: “Even if you remove the likes, there continue to be opportunities for comparisons and feedback. People still can compare themselves to others, and people still can post comments.” Social media platforms increase vulnerability amongst teenagers, especially for females. It allows the opportunity for harmful interactions and creates an unrealistic standard in terms of appearances. “I think we need to take a step back and look at the role technology is playing in our society as a whole, in terms of people needing instant gratification, staying home, and not interacting in the community by going to local stores or to the movie theater,” Sterling says. “Even dating apps can decrease motivation for single adults to approach others in the community if they think they just can connect with them on an app first.”

If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health or a mental illness, there are ways to get help. Use these resources down below:

You can also view the NIMH 5 action steps for helping someone in emotional pain if you are thinking about assisting a friend or a family member who is in distress.

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