There's a familiar saying: "Laughter is the best medicine." But is it really true? Do humor and laughter actually have a great impact on your body? Can it really help with mental health struggles and prevent diseases?
The truth is, yes it can! Humor/laughter is a great way to combat mental health struggles, and has exciting effects on the human body.
What are the benefits of laughter on your body?
Laughter can increase the production of endorphins in your body. Endorphins are neurotransmitters produced in the pituitary gland in the brain. They relieve pain by blocking opioid receptors in the body and they are a key neurotransmitter for relieving stress and just generally helping you feel good. They also trigger dopamine, another neurotransmitter, to be released. Dopamine is mainly responsible for motivation and addiction.
Laughter can help increase blood flow. Good blood flow allows for more nutrients and oxygen to be supplied throughout the body, and can influence heart performance and lower the risk of heart diseases.
It may sound crazy, but studies have shown that laughing can also burn calories. The American College of Healthcare Sciences states that laughter can burn about 10-40 calories in 15 minutes. That means, in the span of a year, about 4 pounds of weight can be lost!
What are the benefits of laughter on mental health?
As mentioned before, laughing can reduce the levels of cortisol in your body and produce more endorphins which reduces stress levels.
Laughter can reduce anger levels as well. It is a great way to calm down and think more positively. It can help you think through conflicts easier by clearing your mind off of anger.
Laughing and humor can also increase the number and quality of social bonds made. It can make you seem more attractive towards other people as you seem more joyful and positive. Gaining more bonds with other people can increase confidence, boost happiness, and reduce mental health problems such as depression.
As you can see, laughing can bring many benefits to people's lives. Putting a smile on your face can not only benefit you, but can also put a smile on others.